Before booking an appointment with me, please be sure you can avoid any and all of these things below:

No Botox 3 week prior to appointment
No chemical peels 6 weeks before or after
No Retinols/Retin-A or other anti-aging/acne creams, or serums containing acids as this will cause quicker fading. If you take Vitamin A everyday then you have to be off of it for 6 weeks before you can get the procedure and stay off until 6 weeks after touch up. Accutane must be off 6 months-year
Discontinue use of AHA (chemical exfoliation) skin care products close to the area to be tattooed at least one week prior to your procedure
No laser or electrolysis on or around the treatment area one week prior to procedure
Do not have any chemical peels, dermabrasions, mesotherapy, or any other intense treatments which will cause faster skin call rejuvenating and cause skin irritation 3-4 weeks before procedure
Do not work our or sweat heavily the day of the procedure or 7-10 days after
Do not tan or have sunburned face the day of
Do not take any blood thinners 48 hours before
No waxing or tinting 3 days before
No alcohol or caffeinated drinks 24 hours before
Smoking before procedure can cause excess bleeding, and may lead to slow healing of wounds
Have questions? Email me at or call/text me at 443-896-4844.
To book an appointment with me, CLICK HERE!
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